20 December, 2007

Bridge over the River Grand

I got a new toy. My school district gave every teacher a 7000.00 stipend to spend on technology in the classroom. I have purchased a wonderfully interactive classroom, that will make my classes very much more fun. But I had some left over, and we had an option to purchase a video camera or digital camera. I chose the latter. In college, I loved photography. I took classes, and thoroughly enjoyed it. I have missed it over the years. I am pleased to get a new camera. I'll be posting lots of pictures. Very fun.
We live in the oldest town in our state. It is full of history. There is a replica fort in town and it sits very near these bridges.

This is the sun setting over the river bottom. If you were to hop in a canoe at these bridges, you could float all the way to Paris.


James said...

Good pictures.

You know, two guys made it across the Atlantic in a row boat once. They plotted to follow the shipping lanes in case they had any trouble. The trouble with that though was they were constantly running into ships that naturally thought the two men were actually in a lifeboat needing rescue.

But if you're game....

Dakini Gurl said...

I'm always game for a good adventure baby. You pack the cats, I'll pick up some food.

James said...

Ha! The cats so hate being in the luggage...

Six beautiful damn cats???

It's that or into the Samsonite!