16 December, 2007

What to call my spouse

My spouse and I are currently trying to find news ways to reference each other in our writing. We've simultaneously come to the conclusion that "husband" and "wife" are just too.....blah.
So he has begun calling me his "woman." They are just sooooooo...Victorian.

I have toyed with calling him my "man" but that seems too closely resembling "da man" and just doesn't work for me.

I absolutely abhor the use of "my old lady" and "my old man." Those literally raise my hackles when I hear others us them. In fact, I've told mi espouse that I would hit him if he ever uses the fem version before I actually am old. Which resulted in a argument of when that was. I said 80 he said 40 so we compromised, he can't say it until I'm 72. I'll never us it unless I want to pick a fight.

I thought about calling him "my pimp" but that leaves too much room for misinterpretation.
So, I'm on a quest! Again, I'll keep you posted.

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