16 December, 2007

I've been brainwashed!!!

I have recently become aware that, as a child, my parents went to great pains to brainwash me. A childhood of the same routine drilled into my head, has resulted in a behavior that I conclude MUST be a result of classical conditioning.
I cannot brush my teeth without, afterward, having to pee.
It is pathalogical. I have begun running my own experiments, to determine what the specific trigger is. If it is the toothpaste, the actual brushing, "the stance."
I performed my first experiment a few nights ago, and this gave me very conclusive evidence confirming my suspiscion...I went through my routine. Brusha-brusha-brusha; race to the loo to pee. Then, I went back to brush again; and guess what? Had to pee. Only this time, I had already peed, so nada in the bladda.

The only answer is my parents. Countless nights, of "Brush your teeth and go to the bathroom" have brought about this aberrant behavior.

For my next experiment, I plan to pee first, then try to brush and see if there is still the urge. We shall see....

1 comment:

J said...

I find this fascinating.