30 December, 2007

Fainting goats or Watusi cattle?

"Pack up the yaks, and fold up the yurt, honey- we're moving again!" Oh, that we were mongols and it was that easy... But no. At latest count, there are 35 boxes of books alone. Sigh. How so you weed through books? We thought we had weeded through and condensed down to "only the essential" books. But 35 boxes seems excessive.

Nevertheless, I am excited about the move. Here is a picture of our new home to be....(nevermind the silver torpedo...it's a propane tank- soon to be painted like a submarine).

It's a little farm house located in a fertile river valley. It's got a huge chicken coop lots of space for a garden and pasture for animals.

I have for several years, felt a compulsion to run off and be a cheese maker. Now, there is very much that potential. I have been researching cheese making for some time. It all started when I saw a beautiful photo of a happy-milk cow on a Stoneyfield Farms Yogurt ad. Something about her sweet soft face and long eyelashes spoke to me.

I don't know if there are wheels of Brie coming in your Holiday baskets next year(though pepper jelly is likely!), but there is the potential.

We went to the feed store to buy cat food for our colony, and we also bought a salt lick (to attract deer), and two copies of the magazine Hobby Farm. It may be my new favorite magazine. I have been ordering gardening catalogs, and thinking in terms of rubber boots, bushel baskets, and gardening gloves. I am very excited about moving. After five months, of undeserved-landlord paranoia, and no money to splurge on the most minute of items, any break would be welcome, but I think that this move, will be one that we take to well, and settle into.

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