30 November, 2007

I have an awesome -albeit wierd- cat...

His name is Magick. See! Here he is.....

Magick is getting up there in age. He is 13, which equals something like 90 for humans. But you would never know this by him. He is spry, wiry and a complete and total jerk. Hence his more affectionate name...Jerkyboy.

In addition to the above, he is tremendously smart. Door opening- smart.
But more than that, I fully believe e is psychic.

I say he is psychic, because whenever I am not feeling well, or sad, or pissed off, he will come out of nowhere just to annoy the hell out of me. He has some sort of uncanny ability to tell when I am about to get up and do something. Most everytime I nees to get up to visit the W.C. or throw a load of laundry in; here he comes, stomping on me with his sharp little pointy feet. He is very heavy and he knows how to displace all his weight onto a single foot that he likes to grind in between ribs.

He is half standard black kitty and half Tonkinese; and one night Big J had a dream in which he (J) learned Magick's secret name.... It was something like Hung Sung Lai... Which is interesting, because it was VERY Vietnamese-like, and as it turns out, Tonkinese cats are from Vietnam. BigJ didn't know that Mag is Tonkinese.

Possibly the most bizarre evidence...Back when I was in college, I lived in this dumpy little house in Tahlequah, America that had an awesome, huge bathtub. I used to LOVE to take baths there (Mag loves to hang out with me while I bath, pervy yes, but wait it gets worse...). So I was taking a bath, I had my head under the water, and I had the distinct sensation that a man walked into the bathroom. So distinct that I can still see him in my mind. Well of course, I immediately sat straight up, scared shitless, but there was no man there. However, Magick was sitting exactly where this man had been standing. Spooky eh?

I love my kitty. He is, despite beging difficult to live with a great critter to share space with. I just wanted to share.

1 comment:

James said...

You're in for a severe stomping from him when you come back.
He's desperate to stomp - he kept trying to stomp me tonight even though we have an understanding. I could see the sorrowful pleading in his eyes; "must stomp... must stomp..." as I denied him again & again.

Layer up for the drive home. This cat is going to do some dancing.