08 June, 2008

In the immortal words of AC/DC.....

"...I'm back in the saddle ag-a-in..."

Or at least I think it was AC/DC. I could be wrong on that. All those "metal" bands blur together to me much like mid 80s Trans Ams, Cameros, and Firebirds. Which I dubbed "trans-fire-mos" in an effort to apply some sort categorization to them.
at any rate, I am here. School let out two weeks ago. I spent the first week in a frenzy of activity that had been neglected for the last few weeks of school when we ran back and forth to "the big city." My parents were coming to visit, and I didn't want to have quite such a nasty house. Also, I was apparently fighting some nasty flu bug, because once the dust settled, my husband developed it full on. He's been down with a bad bug for four days now. Fluctuating fever (very high at the beginning 103.5), cough, congestion, headache, body ache. General yuck. Today he is apparently feeling better because he is talking with renewed vigor about the state of the nation.
At any rate; Here we are.

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