05 January, 2005

Tashi Delek!

I've been contemplating putting together a webpage to try and bring together all things Buddhist in Central Oklahoma. There is a wealth of stuff here in our little-Big city, but it is so scattered, its a bit difficult to find. As a full-time mother/graduate student and a part time Review Manager, my time is a bit limited, so it was posed to me to create a blog rather than a website...Easier to get together and add to. So I figured I'd give it a whirl.. Let me know what you think.

P.S. As I practice Tibetan Buddhism, the blog may appear biased, but I want to be all inclusive. As I learn more, I'll add more. I welcome input!


Sapphire Eagle © said...

Fantastic dialogue with the universe present in this blog... i am really pleased to see your commitment to your highest intentions!

Anonymous said...

Well done!
[url=http://nwydzfke.com/bzvn/qbva.html]My homepage[/url] | [url=http://oguslnug.com/kcdt/hqgc.html]Cool site[/url]

Anonymous said...

Great work!
http://nwydzfke.com/bzvn/qbva.html | http://lpnyallr.com/fcsl/wmgt.html